Garm Bel Iblis (3)Full unit name: Bel Iblis, Garm
Last updated: 29.10.2023 13:11:31
Basic info
First appearance: Thrawn Trilogy, Book 2 - Dark Force Rising
Thrawn Trilogy, Book 2 - Dark Force Rising
Species: Human
Garm Bel Iblis was a male Human senator representing Corellia in the Galactic Senate during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Charismatic and independent, he strongly opposed the power being gradually built by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Major Characters
, and invoked an ancient Corellian proviso in order to keep his homeworld out of the Clone Wars. When Palpatine reorganized the Republic into a Galactic Empire and declared himself Emperor in 19 BBY, Bel Iblis served in the Imperial Senate, but continued to publicly speak out against the Emperor. When agents of the Empire murdered his wife and children, the Senator went into hiding and founded a militaristic resistance movement with which to fight the Imperial war machine. Although Bel Iblis was a skilled military leader, he saw the need to merge his rebellion with other resistance movements, and, after being rescued from the clutches of a bounty hunter by Galen Marek
Galen Marek
Major Characters
, invited the Alderaanian and Chandrilan Senators Bail Organa
Bail Organa
Supporting Characters
and Mon Mothma
Mon Mothma
Major Characters
to Corellia, at a meeting where a Rebel Alliance was formally declared.


See also
Known as one of the founders of the following organizations
Rebel Alliance
Complete list

Full unit name: Bel Iblis, Garm Last updated: 29.10.2023 13:11:31